€1111 EUR

🙋‍♀️ Add a month of private voxer support for my 1:1 support on your business questions ✨ (€1400 €999)

Deeper Business

the masculine, the feminine and the sky daddy of bringing your love to the world..  



...In this bestseller course we cover it ALL... from graphic design, to content, to launching, to pricing, to sales pages, and more more more

What if your business was your lover? What if you sold like you were making love? What if your business had BOTH the yummy healthy penetrative containers AND the deep luscious lean back devotional flow?...

yes.... 🫦

In this powerful course we will work with the magic of integrating both the healthy masculine and the healthy feminine in our businesses - because we so so need both to run business that are sustainable, successful and turned on

(...and a sprinkle of sky daddy of course..)




  • 6 week step-by-step container 
  • DAILY teachings, practices, embodiments, meditations & practical tips (over 24!! full list below)
  • Both the Energetics AND real life practicalities of business
  • Extra 5 Q&A calls recordings 
  • Opening & Closing ceremony with life changing practices and insights that are worth the whole investment!
  • Lifetime Access
  • FB community with yummy foreplay, threads, brags, lightbulbs 

Total value = €3333
Get the full course for only €1111


We go into ALLL of it love.. the marketing, content, strategy, sales, boundaries, sales pages, instagram, copy, graphic design, holding containers, mindset, clients and much more... (full list below👇)

I will be sharing with you all my wisdom and embodiment on business and what got me to where I am today - and why polarity is so so important through all of it. 


Important: This is for anyone with a (coaching) business online, and most yummy for people in the first two years of their business 

And the best part... you will receive the entire course right away!! 🥳



 ✨  The six keys to running a Deeper Business; 
 ✨ Falling in love with action
✨  Getting to know your business from RECEPTIVITY vs figuring it out
 ✨  Making your Business Contract so you no longer burn out on what you love
 ✨ Social Media clean up so instagram feels soooo good again
 ✨   Become free of the imposter syndrome and 'who am I to teach this'
 ✨  Birthing & building your offers
 ✨  Sales challenge: offer your heart, today (sell way more often)
 ✨  The number 1 tip for good content
 ✨  Instagram Stories as the playground of your feminine & top tips for stories
 ✨  Graphic design & font tips - in service to her…
 ✨  Devoting the structures that hold us & social media as our temple
 ✨  Top tips for content / setting your channel FREE
 ✨  Emails as love notes, my top tips for email
 ✨  This will change everything / the energy you most resist
 ✨  Launch like a lover
 ✨  How to set your prices with devotion & integrity
 ✨  The art of holding groups, workshops, containers
 ✨  Date your business
 ✨  Body first business: adhd, burnout, and chronic illness
 ✨  How to sell more
 ✨  How to make sales pages
 ✨  Your capacity to be with the shit & your triggers
 ✨  You need to go through it to teach it
 ✨  and so much more...

(this total course is valued at €3333)


ps: by finalising this purchase, you agree to these terms & conditions: Yes, I understand that my payment is non-refundable and non transferrable and cannot be cancelled. Yes, I understand the details of this course could still change. Yes, I understand that this price can change without notice. Yes, I understand that I am deliciously responsible for myself